Factors Predisposing to Teenage Pregnancy Among Female Adolescents in Isoko South Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria

Pregnancy among female adolescents is the cause of death among adolescents 15-19
years’ old which makes it a public health problem. Therefore, this study sought
to determine the factors predisposing to teenage pregnancy among female adolescents
in Isoko South Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria.
A descriptive cross sectional study design guided by a behavioral theory was adopted.
Multistage sampling was used to select 260 female adolescents that participated
in the study. A semi-structured questionnaire of 45 items validated at 0.70 Cronbach
alpha was used for data collection.
The result showed that majority of the respondents fall between the age group 14-16
years (67.7%); and (49.2%) of the respondents had good knowledge of teenage pregnancy
with a mean of 6.40 ±1.02 measured on 8-point rating scale. The result also showed
that 80.0% of the respondents are negatively influenced by environmental factors
with a mean of 61.67 ±10.50 measured on a 104-point rating scale. About (77.3%)
of the respondents had poor practice predisposing to teenage pregnancy with mean
35.58 ±4.12 measured on a 44-point rating scale. Knowledge and environmental factors
showed a statistical relationship with practices predisposing to teenage pregnancy
where p=0.048 and p=0.000 respectively.
Knowledge and environmental was shown as the major factors predisposing to teenage
pregnancy. Health promotion intervention and policy formulation can be geared towards
empowering adolescents to reduce the occurrence of teenage pregnancy.
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