Tuberculosis Medication Adherence among TB-HIV Co-infected Persons undergoing Concomitant Treatment in Selected Local Governments in a North Central State in Nigeria

aim of this study was to investigate Tuberculosis medication adherence among patients
undergoing concomitant treatment for HIV and TB in selected Local Government Areas
of Benue State, Nigeria. The study adopts a cross-sectional descriptive survey design
using a quantitative instrument to generate information on factors that have significant
influence on TB medication adherence among persons using concurrent TB-HIV medication.
overall rate of adherence was 72.7%. Perception of TB disease and TB medication,
Family and peer support, Health Service factors, Media and Policy were positively
and significantly associated with adherence practice among participants in the study.
The study revealed a high prevalence of knowledge (96%) (9.6±0.86) about TB disease
among respondents, although knowledge had no significant association with TB medication
adherence among the study group. In relation to the socio-demographic characteristics
of respondents, analysis of age, gender and level of education did not reveal any
significant association with medication adherence and likewise marital status or
living arrangement.
study concluded that factors associated with adherence TB medication adherence among
persons undergoing concomitant treatment are factors that could be modified with
concerted efforts and strategies by stakeholders and health programs to improve
adherence levels and cause a decline in the level of non-adherence (27.3%) reported
in the study. The study recommends further studies to assess factors that could
provide evidence for interventions to help persons suffering from co-morbidities
like TB and HIV.
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