Tuberculosis Incidence and case Notification Rate in the North Central States of Nigeria in 2018: Cross-States Comparison

Aim: Tuberculosis
(TB) continues to be a major killer infectious disease globally especially among
vulnerable young adults. TB case notification and incidences provide good estimates
of the TB burden of a country. The aim of this article therefore is to provide an
insight into the TB situation in the six states that made up the North Central Zone
(NCZ) of Nigeria in 2018.
Methods: Retrospective
epidemiological data that are routinely collected by the respective TB control programme
in the NCZ. TB case notification is calculated by dividing the number of TB cases
notified in 2018 by the extrapolated population (from 2006 census population) for
the state expressed per 100,000 populations in the year under review.
Results: TB
case notification rate (CNR) is highest in
Nasarawa state (87/100,000) when compared with the other states, closely followed
by Benue state (73/100,000). Kwara state (22/100,000) has the lowest CNR, others
are: FCT (37/100,000), Kogi state (27/100,000), Niger state (35/100,000), and Plateau
state (57/100,000). TB incidence in the different states closely mirrors the TB
Conclusion: TB
case finding intervention in the NCZ should be contextualized based on prevailing
TB driving factors if the aim of effective TB program control will be achieved with
focus on Nasarawa state given its high CNR and incidence in the region.
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