Impact of Aerobic Physical Exercise on Cardiovascular Health of In-school Adolescents of Nepalgunj, Nepal

Background: Physical activities and exercise play supportive role in preventing cardiovascular morbidity. Long-term exercise provides
more health benefits. Contemporary society are plagued with
increasing inactivity and obesity particularly among children and adolescents.
Studies demonstrate benefits of moderate but
consistent aerobic exercise
on cardiovascular health,
however roles of physical
exercise on components of cardiovascular health
CVH)-related parameters still remain unclear. This
study investigated the effect of aerobic physical exercise on (CVH-related) parameters among in-school adolescents in Nepalgunj
municipality, Banke, Nepal.
Methodology: This was an eight-week quasi-experimental design conducted by systematic
random selection of consenting 8th and 9th graders assigned
into intervention and control groups by odd and even number randomization, respectively.
Measures of CVH-related parameters were anthropometry while demographic characteristics
were collected using validated questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted, and results
displayed as frequency, means and standard deviation with paired-sample t-test for
test of significance at 5% level.
Results: At baseline, physical education and physical exercise groups showed no significant difference in
most CVH-related parameters, except resting-Heart Rate that was significantly different
(p<0.01). Impact of physical exercise on CVH-related parameters was significant
for three CVH-related parameters of resting-HR (ES=0.56; p<0.001), BMI (ES=0.474;
p<0.05), DBP (ES=0.355; p<0.05), but physical education only impacted on CVH-related
parameters of resting-HR (ES=0.64; p<0.001).
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