Alcohol Use and Non-Communicable Diseases, is there a Relationship?

and aims: The
relationship between alcohol use and non- communicable disease prevalence has puzzled
researchers for many years. Alcohol use is widely practiced globally and is believed
to be a major contributor to injuries, mortality and the burden of disease. This
review updates knowledge on risk relations between dimensions of alcohol use and
health outcomes such as; cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary
diseases, diabetes and cancers.
Methods: Systematic review of reviews and meta-
analyses on chronic health outcomes attributable to alcohol use. For dimensions
of exposure: volume of alcohol use, alcohol concentration and patterns of drinking,
in particular heavy drinking occasions were studied. In total, 89 reviews and meta-analyses
were searched in Google Scholar, PubMed, Medline but 28 reviews published from 2016
onwards were included in the study.
Results: Most partly imputable illness classes
showed monotonic relationships with volume of alcohol use: additional alcohol consumed
posed a higher risk of disease or death. Exceptions were ischemic diseases and polygenic
disease, with curvilinear relationships, and with beneficial effects of light to
moderate drinking in people without heavy irregular drinking occasions. Biological
pathways counsel a control of significant drinking occasions on further diseases;
but, the lack of medical epidemiological studies measuring this dimension of alcohol
use precluded an in-depth analysis.
Conclusions: Research confirms alcohol use as both
a risk factor for non-communicable diseases and at the same time protective when
taken in moderation. However, further epidemiological studies should emphasize assessment
of Health outcomes based on the quantity, frequency and concentration of the alcoholic
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