Determinants of Nutritional Practice among Expectant Mothers Attending Antenatal Clinic in Selected Hospitals in Abeokuta, Ogun State

Objective: This study sort to determine the knowledge,
attitude, environmental factors and nutritional practice among expectant mothers attending antenatal
clinics in selected hospital in Abeokuta, Ogun state.
Methodology: This study was a cross
sectional survey design guided by behavioral theory that employed quantitative method
of data collection. Multistage sampling was employed in this study. A 36 item semi-structured
questionnaire validated at 0.75 Cronbach alpha was used. A total of 295 patients
responded to the questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential
statistics at p< 0.05.
Results: Majority were married
217 (73.6%) and 90 (30.5%) of the respondents falls between age 30-34 years. The
study revealed that many 167 (56.6%) of the respondents had fair knowledge of diet
(13.64 ± 2.65), majority 219 (74.2%) had positive attitude towards nutritional practice
(13.57 ± 3.97) and more than half 157 (53.2%) of the respondents were negatively
influenced by environmental factors (14.22 ± 4.65). Also, 148 (50.2%) had good nutritional
practice (14.09 ± 2.48). There was no significant relationship between knowledge
and nutritional practice (r=0.107; p= 0.066) whereas there was a significant relationship
between attitude and environmental factors (r=0.359; p=0.000) and (r=0.282; p=0.000)
Conclusion: Pregnancy is the most
crucial nutritionally demanding period of every woman’s life. It is important for
expectant mothers to maintain good nutritional practice so as to achieve optimal
birth outcome. Therefore, appropriate health promotional intervention is
highly recommended to modify expectant mothers’ attitude and environmental factors
so as to achieve good nutritional practice.
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