The Perceived Economic and Wellbeing Effects of Herdsmen Attacks among Internally Displaced Persons in Benue State, Nigeria

This study sought to assess
the economic and wellbeing effects of Herdsmen attacks among Internally Displaced
Persons (IDPs) in Benue State, Nigeria. Six hundred and twenty-nine (male=305; female
324) internally displaced persons were used as sample. Their age range was between
18 and 65 years respectively with a mean age of 37.5. Instruments used for data
collection were a 16-item questionnaire to assess the economic effects of herdsmen
attacks on IDPs developed by the author and the Impact of Event Scale – Revised
adopted to measure the effects of the herdsmen attacks on the wellbeing of IDPs
in Benue State, Nigeria. The IES-R is a
short set of 15 questions that can measure
the amount of distress that you associate with a specific event with an internal
consistency of alpha = .96. Data analysis involved the use of multiple regressions
and Chi-square. The study revealed that victims of herdsmen attacks had lost livelihood
sources, suffered economic hardship and become poorer due to the effect of these
attacks on trading activities, farmlands and farm produce; they also suffered from
anger, irritability, insomnia and constant reminders of the event. Based on the
findings, it was recommended that the Government should provide seedlings and financial
support to victims to restart livelihood activities as well as counseling services.
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