Attitude, Perception and Antiretroviral Adherence pattern among HIV Infected Patient in Ibadan, Nigeria

Background: Suboptimal antiretroviral
adherence remains a global concern in the care for HIV infected patients. It brings
about complications in the management process of the disease. This study determined
the attitude, perception and antiretroviral adherence level of HIV infected patients
in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Methodology: The study was a cross-sectional study
that utilized qualitative method of data collection.
Purposive sampling was used to select two tertiary hospitals while gender and age bracket
was used to select 62 patients that participated in the study. Focus group discussion
(FGD) guide was used to obtained information from the participants. A total of eight
FGD was conducted with at least seven participants in each group. All discussions
were recorded, transcribed and thematically analysed.
Results: Majority (77%) of the participants were females and
80% were traders by occupation. Majority of the participants expressed concerns
about the duration of antiretroviral medication while majority responded positively
as regards the continuity of the drug even without any symptoms of sickness. Most
of the participants perceived antiretroviral medication as beneficial and suboptimal
adherence as a threat to wellbeing. Perceived barriers identified in this study
include fear of disclosure, distance to health facility and hospital waiting time.
Majority of the participants in this study had optimal adherence.
Conclusion: Optimal adherence in HIV care is essential. To achieve
this, it is important that patients cultivate the right attitude and perception
towards antiretroviral medication. Health promotion interventions that seeks to
modify and reinforce patients’ attitude, perception and adherence pattern is therefore
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