Knowledge and Perception of Health Care Providers as Correlates to the Provision of Contraceptive Services to Adolescents in Abuja, Nigeria

Objective: This
study sort to determine the levels of knowledge, perception, and practice of healthcare
providers as correlates to providing contraceptive services to adolescents in Abuja,
Methodology: This
study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey design guided by a behavioral
theory. A 38-item semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 139
healthcare providers by multistage sampling technique, validated at Cronbach alpha
0.82. Data collected were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 23 to compute descriptive
and inferential statistics which were statistically tested at a 5% level of significance.
Results: Majority
(72.7%) of participants were females with 69.80% having knowledge of modern contraceptives
below average (5.50±1.47). More than half, 55.30% (26.55±5.73) had a positive perception
towards providing contraceptive services to adolescents. Respondents had 56.10%
positive perceived barrier; 61.80% positive perceived self-efficacy while 53.30%
negative perceived benefit of providing contraceptive services to adolescents. A
total of 58.30% of participants (12.87±5.42) were providing contraceptive services
to adolescents. There was a significant relationship between knowledge and practice
(r= 0.335; p=000) and Perception and practice (r= 0.494; p=000) of health care providers.
Conclusion: The
provision of contraceptives to adolescents by healthcare providers was shown to
be inadequate. Knowledge of modern contraceptives and perception were major factors
in the provision of contraceptive services to adolescents. In-service training and
workshops can reinforce these factors thereby increasing the provision of these
services to adolescents.
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