Nutritional Health Problems of Boarding House Students in Idemili North Local Government Area of Anambra State Nigeria

study investigated Nutritional Health problems of boarding house students in Idemili
North Local Government Area of Anambra State Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The population
of the study consists of 1499 boarding house students. The sample consisted of 200
boarding house students. The data for the study was collected using questionnaire.
The statistical analysis used was frequency and percentages for the data. The finding revealed that greater percentage
of the student experienced nutritional health problems. Female boarding house students
experience lots of nutritional problems more than male boarding students. A greater
percentage of the students between the age of 10 – 14 years suffer nutritional problems. The study recommended that health education
on the nutritional health problems of boarding house students and ways of preventing
them should be given to teachers, parents and students. Those nutritional health
problems should be taken care of.
Keywords: Nutrition, Health Problems, Boarding House Students.
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