Factors Contributing to HIV Related Stigma among Healthcare Providers in Public Health Institutions in Zambia

Background: One of the barriers to effective
HIV response is the HIV-related stigma and discrimination among Healthcare providers
towards patients receiving diagnostic procedure or treatment.
In Zambia, there are
minimal research that have applied health behavioral models to evaluate the predictors
of stigmatizing behavior associated with HIV among healthcare providers. Reducing HIV-related stigma may enhance the quality of HIV prevention
and care. Hence reducing HIV related stigma should be a national prevention goal.
Methodology: This study used an analytic cross-sectional
research design to investigate predictors of stigmatizing and discriminatory behavior
among Healthcare providers in Lusaka urban, Zambia.
Questionnaire data was collected and analyzed using SPSS and described using regression
analysis to estimate the relationship between HIV related stigmatizing behavior,
discriminatory acts, and personal attributes, job, environmental and demographic factors.
Results: 370 health care providers were included
in the sample. Levels of stigma were reported by all groups included in the study.
This included willingness to prohibit women living with HIV from having children
(43%), wearing double gloves (64.5%), using special infection control measures (50%) and avoided physical contact (36.5%) when caring for
HIV infected clients.
Conclusion: The study revealed that the stigma
and discrimination associated with HIV by Healthcare providers in urban Lusaka was
not unusual. Potential care and support for HIV patients should therefore concentrate
more on strengthening the cognitions and behaviors of Healthcare providers toward
People Living with HIV to ensure that they receive prompt and effective treatment
and assistance.
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