Perception and Barriers to Routine Immunisation Uptake: A Qualitative Study in Rural areas of Osun State, Nigeria

Background: Immunisation
is a proven tool for reducing morbidity and mortality associated with vaccine preventable
diseases. Routine Immunisation program in Nigeria has been hampered by certain sociocultural
such false beliefs, misconceptions and other health system barriers. This study
assessed the perception of mothers about childhood routine immunisation services
and explored the factors that could affect routine immunisation uptake by mothers.
Methods: Focus group discussions
(FGD) were held among mothers in rural areas of Atakumosa west District, Osun State,
Southwestern Nigeria. Key informant interviews (KII) were also conducted among Community
leaders and health workers located in these communities. The data collected for
the FGD and KII were transcribed verbatim and analysed using detailed content analytic
Results: Majority of the
mothers have good awareness of vaccine preventable diseases such as Poliomyelitis,
Tuberculosis and measles (75-100%), Misperception of benefits of vaccination such
vaccination being a cure for diseases as well as being a prevention for all’ diseases,
misconceptions such as malaria resulting from vaccination; cultural and religious
taboos as well as health system factors such as negative attitudes of routine immunisation
providers, vaccine stock-out and access to health care services, were major factors
affecting routine immunisation uptake.
Conclusion: Misconceptions
about routine childhood immunisation are still common in most rural communities
in Osun State, Nigeria. There is a need to raise awareness of benefits of routine
immunisation in the communities, ensuring constant availability of vaccines in health
facilities and training and retraining of immunisation staffs on clinical ethics
will help to achieve the goal of full Immunisation coverage of 80 percent among
children under two years of age.
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