Risk-Factors Associated with Cardiovascular Health Status among in School Adolescents of Nepalgunj, Nepal

Background: Social transitions involving economics and education that
has witnessed the global transformation of rural to urban, not sparing Nepal, has
resulted in altered population food habits and physical activities. Chronic illnesses
are now emerging among adolescents. Risk factors for cardiovascular (CV) diseases
can be effectively addressed in early adolescence to prevent por health outcomes.
This study assessed the level of risk-factors associated
with cardiovascular health status among in-school adolescents of Nepalgunj, Nepal
and from the findings develop an intervention to improve CV-health related parameters
to improve cardiovascular health outcomes.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Midwestern
part of Nepal. Four institutions were selected consisting 2 privates and 2 public
secondary schools using simple random sampling from total 7 schools in Nepalgunj
municipality. Consenting students (178) from eight and ninth grades were enrolled.
Data about demographic information, risk-factors for cardiovascular disease, and
CV-health related parameters were collected using anthropometry and validated questionnaire.
Data collected were analyzed as frequency distributions means and standard deviations
with test of associations between variables at 5% level of significance.
Results: Prevalence of overweight was 10.67%, and alcoholism was
1.12%. Vegetarians were 4.49%. Active smokers were none. Passive smoking was 31%
and no active smokers. Extremely sedentary lifestyle was found among 7.8%. Family
history for hypertension and CVD present among 8.4% and 2.8% respectively.
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