Effect of Health Educational Intervention on Knowledge and Perceptions of Health Consequences of Obesity among Secondary School Students in Ile Ife, Osun, Nigeria

Obesity prevalence among adolescents
in the world is on an alarming rate. Obesity is associated with morbidities such
as cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory, cancers, psychosocial and endocrine
problems and mortality in significant manner the focus is now on prevention through
health educational intervention. This study aimed at assessing the effect of this
health education intervention on knowledge and perceptions of health consequences
of obesity among secondary school students in Ile Ife, South Western, Nigeria. The
study design is quasi experimental which made used of 65 items pre-tested, purpose
design, self-administered questionnaire to obtain information on knowledge and perception
of health consequences of obesity from the respondents before and after intervention.
Data collected were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. The result
revealed that knowledge and perception level were low among the selected secondary
school students. The results also showed significant difference in the pre-test
and posttest knowledge and perception levels of health consequences of obesity among
the secondary school students following health educational intervention in the intervention
group. The result further showed a significant change overtime, 0 week, 3 weeks
and 6 weeks in knowledge and perception of health consequences of obesity in the
intervention group. It was therefore concluded that, health educational intervention
has positive, significant effect on knowledge and perception of health consequences
of obesity among selected secondary school students in Ile Ife, South –west, Nigeria.
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