Gender Disclosure Differences of Sexual Partners among People Living with HIV/AIDS in Chongwe, Zambia

To halt HIV new infections, it is important
to also understand the gender differences related to disclosure of sero-status among
people living with HIV/AIDS. The objective of this study was to understand the trends in disclosure
rates of at-risk partners focusing much attention on sexual partners among men and
women living with HIV/AIDS. This was in an effort to forge workable strategies towards
partner notification bearing in mind the disclosure disparities, if any, inherent
in them. Secondary/Archival data analysis
of gender variations of 3,990 above 14 years old of People Living with HIV (PLHIV),
entered in Facility Information Management System (FIMS), from October 2018 to September
2019 was done. Findings were that from a total of 3,990 PLHIV 23% were males, while 74% were females indicating
a higher prevalence of HIV among females than males. Overall acceptance rate of
92% (3,683) PLHIV willing to disclose who their at-risk (sexual) partners to HIV
were, with a 7% gender difference (87% of males accepted while 94% females) and
only 8% declining to disclose (13% males and 6% females). Further analysis of at-risk
partners aged 15 years and above, indicated that more males were at-risk of contracting
HIV (63% males vs 37% females), and that they may be the most unaware of their sero-status.
This prompts for new strategies aimed at reaching out to
and promoting more men to know their sero-status as they are both riskier and unaware
of their HIV status, unlike females.
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