The Phenomenon of Vaccine Resistance, Refusals, and Boycott in Cameroon: A Perspective Analysis

For several decades Cameroon has been experiencing massive challenges with regards to infection prevention and control, as well as the fight against vaccine-preventable diseases and epidemics. The resistance, refusal, and boycott of vaccines by some populations has marred the efficiency and efficacy of vaccination campaigns against diseases of epidemic potential such as Measles, Yellow Fever, Tetanus, Poliomyelitis, and Cholera. This phenomenon has been observed in many regions of Cameroon, particularly the North West, Littoral, Centre, East and West Regions of the country. Recently there have been massive anti-campaigns leading to the boycott of the Ebola Trial Vaccine in Bamenda and Yaoundé. Effective vaccination and immunization coverage in Cameroon, therefore, needs to be reviewed and the root issues addressed.References:
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by parents who visit an anthroposophical child welfare center: A Focus Group Study.
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