Determinants of Psycho-active Substance Abuse among Commercial Motor Drivers in Kawo Motor Park Kaduna, Kaduna State, Nigeria

Objective: The study
investigated the determinants of psychoactive substance abuse among commercial motor
drivers in Kawo motor park Kaduna, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
Materials and Methods: The study
is a cross-sectional design guided by Social Cognitive Theory. It used 37-item validated
questionnaire to collect data from 270 respondents who consented and multistage
sampling technique was adopted. Variables of environmental, cognitive and behavioral
factors of substance abuse were measured. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS
version 23 to compute mean, frequencies, standard deviation and way of variance
analysis was used to answer the research questions. The
null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 significance level using Pearson’s correlation.
Results: Majority
of respondents were male drivers 98.8%, female 1.2%, most respondents are within
31 – 40 years (35.5%) and in their productive age. Environmental factors showed
mean ±SD of 5.43±2.55, cognitive factors showed mean ±SD of 12.34±3.88, behavioral
factors revealed mean ±SD of 16.64±2.95 while the level of practice showed mean
±SD of 1.575±1.42.
determinants of psychoactive abuse such as peer pressure, parental influence, availability
of drugs within the park contribute to drug abuse by commercial drivers. It was
discovered that despite awareness of negative consequences of substance abuse, drivers
have not been able to refrain from abuse of substances. Urgent attention of government
to enact laws and enforce it to control the production and availability of such
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