Perceived Psychosocial and Health Effects of Herdsmen Attacks among Internally Displaced Persons in Benue State, Nigeria

This study sought to assess
the psychosocial and health effects of Herdsmen attacks among Internally Displaced
Persons (IDPs) in Benue State, Nigeria. Six hundred and twenty-nine (male=305; female
324) internally displaced persons were used as sample. Their age range was between
18 and 65 years respectively with a mean age of 37.5. Instrument used for data collection
was the
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) which is a 21-item, self-report rating inventory
that measures characteristic attitudes and symptoms of depression. The internal
consistency for the BDI ranges from .73 to .92 with a mean of .86.
BDI was administered to the participants to measure the psychosocial effects of
herdsmen attacks on the victims. Also, standardized General Health
Questionnaire (GHQ) was adopted to measure the effects of the herdsmen attacks
on the health of IDPs in Benue State, Nigeria. Data analysis involved the use of
Chi-square and multiple regressions. The study however revealed that victims of
herdsmen attacks suffered from psychological trauma including stress, depression,
mood swings and health related problems. On the basis of the findings, it was recommended
that the Government should work to provide psychosocial support services to victims
as well as set up treatment centers to test and treat victims’ ailments and where
possible, counseling sessions.
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