Predictors of Male Involvement in Post-Natal Care Services of their Partners in a Metropolitan City in North-Central Nigeria

behaviour influences the reproductive health of both men and women as well as
the health of their children. Yet, men are often unable to make informed
decision because they have not been involved in Maternal health services and
Objective: This study assessed male
involvement in Post-Natal healthcare services of their partners and its
predictors in Ilorin metropolis, Nigeria.
Multistage sampling technique was used to recruit 350 married adult males whose
wives had given birth at least once in the last three years. Descriptive
cross-sectional study design was employed. Pretested interview administered
semi-structured questionnaires were used for the study. Data was analyzed using
SPSS version 21.0 software. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered as
statistically significant.
Results: Two-thirds of the respondents (66.6%)
had good knowledge of Post-Natal healthcare
while a little more than half of the respondents (56.3%) were graded as having
high overall involvement in the Post-Natal healthcare of their wives. The predictors
of male involvement in postnatal care include the employment status (p=0.01)
and educational status (p=0.028) of respondents.
Conclusion: Male involvement in postnatal care
in Ilorin is fair though it could be better. Being unemployed and not being
educated are predictors of male involvement in post-natal care services in
Ilorin. There should be increased public enlightenment on the vital roles of
men in Post-Natal healthcare services to encourage male involvement, effective
service utilization and continuation.
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