Effectiveness of Peer and Parent-led Intervention to Improve the Perception of In-School Adolescents towards HIV Prevention

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.08.02.Art002

Authors : Elebiju Oluwatoyin Juliana, Olanrewaju Motunrayo Florence


Background: Adolescents represent a growing share of people living with HIV worldwide. The number of adolescents dying from HIV related illnesses is estimated to have tripled over the last two decades. AIDS is the leading cause of death among adolescents in Africa with 85% of them living in developing countries. Ogun state has a prevalence of 1.6%, the highest in the south-west. Developing an optimistic perception of HIV/AIDS toward sexual health or HIV/AIDS preventive measures could produce tangible desirable behaviour changes in HIV-risk behaviours.

Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of peer and parent-led intervention to improve the perception of in-school adolescents towards HIV prevention in Ogun state Nigeria based on the Health Belief Model (HBM). The study population were selected in-school adolescents.

Methods: The study utilized a quasi-experimental design. A validated 22-Itemed Questionnaire measured on a 66-point rating scale was used for data collection. The multistage sampling technique was used in selecting participants.

Results: The mean age of adolescents was 14.90±1.836. The majority of the respondents had a moderate level of perception. The educational intervention effected a change in the level of perception of the adolescents between baseline and 8-weeks follow-up indicating a mean difference of 7.891 (p<0.01) for the peer-led, 16.618 (p<0.01) parent-led, 13.982 (p<0.01) peer and parent-led and a reduction in mean in the control group (-0.545; p<0.01).

Conclusion: In conclusion, the parent-led intervention had a higher impact on adolescents’ perception compared to the other intervention. This is an indication that parent-child communication should be reinforced through further interventions.

Keywords: HIV, Adolescents, Perception, Peer-led, Parent-led, Education intervention, Health Belief Model.


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