A Case-Control Study to Identify Risk Factors Related to Cholera Outbreak in Kasai Oriental Province, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2018

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.08.01.Art029

Authors : Dongmo N.T, Mutombo M.B, Ateudjieu J, Folefack T.G, Gabo P, Miwanda N.B, Akilimali L, Tshizemba M.A, Diwampovesa M.C.G


Cholera remains the major public health problem in the world. Democratic Republic of Congo is frequently affected by cholera since the introduction of 7th pandemic in the country in 1974. The 2018 cholera outbreak which was the second major one affecting the Kasai oriental (KOR) province started on the week7 and was still persistent on the week40, when it was decided to conduct a matched cases-controls study to identify its risk factors so that to readjust responses activities on going on the field. 80 cases were randomly selected in the line-listing among patients investigated in the treatment centres or units during cholera response activities and 80 controls were selected according to matching criteria. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed using Epi-info 7 software. The study identified as risk factors: Living in a household with more than five persons (Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR):2.99; 95%CI[1.88-6.22]); drinking water sold along the street (AOR: 4.29; 95%CI[1.85-10.30]); Had been in contact with persons suffering of diarrhoea (AOR: 7.15; 95%CI[2.10-17.21]); Participated in funerals (5.16; 95%CI[3.02-29.95]); peoples ignoring how to contract cholera (5.78; 95%CI[2.38-18.10] and participants ignoring how to protect themselves from contracting cholera (2.49; 95%CI[1.73-5.20]). Cholera vaccination was not tested as risk factors during this study.

Keywords: Risk factors, cholera, Kasai Oriental, Democratic Republic of Congo.


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