Immunization Coverage and Factors Associated with the Non-Completeness of Vaccination of Children from 12 to 23 Months of the Health District of Djoungolo-Cameroon in 2012

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.08.01.Art017

Authors : Ekanga Mvele Dominique Arnaud


In 2011 the health district of Djoungolo experienced two measles epidemics with a 69% vaccination completion rate according to district data. The objective of this study was to determine immunization coverage and factors associated with the non-completeness of vaccination of children aged 12-23 months in Djoungolo district in 2012. We used a cross-sectional, community-based study was conducted in 2012. A total of 210 mothers / nannies of 12 to 23-month-old children from Djoungolo district, selected according to the WHO 30 X 7 cluster survey method, were interviewed about vaccines; received by the child before the age of one and the reasons for non-vaccination using a structured questionnaire. Vaccine completeness was 64.3%, ranging from 85.7% for BCG to 66.2% for measles Vaccine. Multivariate logistic regression showed that mothers who were afraid of side effects (P = 0.0454), who did not know the importance of vaccination (P = 0.0139), had missed opportunities for vaccination (P = 0.0055), who took more than one hour to vaccinate their child (P = 0.0005) and who did not master the vaccination schedule (P = 0.00001) were significantly associated with vaccine non-completeness children.

Keywords: Immunization coverage, factors, non-completeness, children from 12 to 23 months.


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