Descriptive epidemiology of Cholera Outbreak, Kasai Oriental Province, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2018 (Characteristics in Mbuji-Mayi city vs Rural area)
Cholera remains the major public health problem in the world. DRC is frequently
affected by cholera introduction of 7th pandemic in the country in 1974.
The 2018 cholera outbreak affected Kasai Oriental Province more than 14 years after
the previous one despite constant poverty and lack of potable water. Our main objective
was to describe this epidemic focusing on Mbuji-Mayi vs. rural area. We conducted
a descriptive study using the line listing data. The case definition used was that
of the ministry of public health. Analyses were performed using Microsoft Excel
2010. Out of 5,869 suspected cholera cases including 277 deaths (CFR: 4.7%), 3,228
including 144 deaths (CFR: 4.5%) were from Mbuji-Mayi and 2,626 cases including
133 deaths (CFR: 5.1%) from rural area. Mbuji-Mayi with an Attack Rate of 144 cases
per 100,000 inhabitants, were less affected than rural area of the Province (AR:
137 cases per 100,000 inhabitants). Vibrio cholera group 01 was incriminated. This
outbreak started after 15 years without cholera in city of Mbuji-Mayi but later,
also affected rural area. AR and CFR were higher in rural area.
Outbreak, cholera, epidemiology, Mbuji-Mayi.
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