Efficacy of Indoor Residual Household Spraying in Control of Malaria among Children Under Five Ndola, Zambia
Study aimed at establishing efficacy of Indoor Residual Household Spraying
(IRHS) program in controlling malaria among children under-five in Ndola, Zambia.
Methods: A comparative study conducted at Nkwazi (intervention) and Masala (non- intervention)
compound, over a period of six months from October 2017 to April 2018. Sample size;
410 caretakers and 6 key informants. Sampling: Cluster, systematic and purposive,
from, 6th to 30th April 2018 and 28th May to 26th
August 2019 respectively. Interview guide, Semi-structured questionnaire and checklist
used. Content analysis, univariate and bivariate, SPSS version 20 Chi-square determined
association of variables: Demographic, morbidity, knowledge, acceptability, compliance,
and outcome efficacy of IRHS.
Results: Malaria incidence was 25.4% among children under five at IRHS intervention
area after six months and non-intervention areas accounted
2.1%. 83.3% had positive results and most affected aged 0-1year 46.1%, and 74 were positive, P >0.225. 96.1% and
74.1% of caretakers in Nkwazi and Masala were knowledgeable about malaria, while
43.4% in Nkwazi lacked knowledge on danger signs. IRHS coverage was average n=4.
83.8% of the caretakers said IRHS was useful P<
0.000. 70% had homes sprayed P<0.000. 68.2% in Nkwazi slept in sprayed houses
P<0.000. Acceptability of IRHS was average 56% p<0.000. Community sensitization
influences sleeping under mosquito net p<0.000. Program officers n=5 reported
spraying done at the same time yearly. Refusals accounted 90.2% and 66.3% in Nkwazi
and Masala P<0.000.
Conclusion: Malaria morbidity among children under-five continued to increase in the
intervention area despite IRHS.
Keywords: Indoor Residual Household Spraying Malaria Comparative.
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