Water Pollution in Zambia

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.SE.19.02.Art015

Authors : Kelly Mwaba, Kelly Mwaba


Water in Zambia, is not equally provided to everyone. For example, out of the population of about 13 million in Zambia, about 5 million do not have access to clean water. This also applies to sanitation in Zambia; about 7 million of Zambians do not have access to sanitation facilities.

In Zambia, water pollution has been seriously affecting the life of humans, plants as well as animals. The eco-system of rivers, streams and lakes is also getting deteriorated due to the contamination of water, through various sources. This condition also leads to the outbreak of numerous diseases, majority of them being lethal and contagious. Although certain natural processes may cause some of the water pollution, however, human activity is the largest cause of our streams, rivers and lakes getting polluted. We get this water from groundwater sources, rivers, and lakes, and after using it, and often contaminating it, most of this water gets back into the rivers, lakes, and streams. The used water from agricultural and industrial practices as well as household use creates wastewater, also referred to as sewage.


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