Health workers’ compliance to Implementation of Test, Treat and Track Strategy for Malaria Control in Northern Uganda
Introduction: Malaria is a major cause
of fever and a leading public health problem in Uganda, causing significant morbidity,
mortality and negative socio-economic impact. However, malaria is not the only cause
of fever; there are other none malaria causes of fever that must be ruled out before
treatment with expensive Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACTs). In 2010 and
2011 World Health Organisation (WHO) and Ministry of Health (MOH) Uganda respectively
recommended that all fever cases be subjected to malaria test, provided an appropriate
treatment according to test results and tracked. This study assessed the compliancy
of health workers in public and private health facilities in four Northern districts
of Uganda i.e. Apac, Dokolo, Gulu and Nwoya in implementation of Test, Treat and
Track (T3) strategy for malaria.
Methods and materials: Across sectional descriptive
study design was adopted. Both quantitative and qualitative data collection approaches
were applied to ascertain the extent health workers in the targeted districts adhere
to the T3 policy. The study was conducted in 115 public, 22 PNFP and 20 private
health facilities. In total 489 health workers, 63 community health workers (CHWs)
and seven district officials participated in the study as respondents. Quantitative
data were entered and cleaned in EpiData 3.1 and analysed using Stata 12.0. Qualitative
data were audio-recorded, transcribed and entered into Nvivo 10 for analysis and
coded based on both pre-determined themes as well as those that emerged from the
Results: The study showed
that adherence to testing was excellent in public (97.1%) as compared to 70.3% in
the PFP (P < 0.001).
Averagely, 95% of positive cases across the four districts were treated with recommended
antimalarial medicines (ACTs). The study found that senior health workers had poorer
adherence to T3
compared to their junior counterparts. For instance, on average
64% of malaria negative confirmed patients seen by
medical officers received antimalarial medicines compared to 23% and 5%
that were
seen by nurses and Community
Health Workers (CHWs)
respectively. We also found that adherence to T3 reduces as you
ascend from low level to high level facilities. As such adherence to testing all
suspected cases of malaria was highest (100%) at CHWs and lowest (70.1%)
at hospital level
Conclusion: Adherence to T3 strategy was found to
be dependent to the Health facility level, ownership and level of education and
seniority of health workers.
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