Hepatitis C Prevalence and Preventive Strategies in Pakistan

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.SE.19.02.Art009

Authors : Kamlesh Kumar


Objective: To critically review the preventive strategies of Hepatitis C and its prevalence in Pakistan; and to find out any existing gap in health care delivery, so as to minimize the burden of this major health problem.

Research Design and Methods: This study follows systemic review method and includes randomized control trial studies which focus on preventive strategies of Hepatitis C. Strict inclusion and exclusion criteria for study selection were made and followed. Data’s were properly extracted and analyzed to minimize bias. Different data base was used including Google Chrome, Google, Pub Med, Cochrane Review using key words as Hepatitis C prevalence and prevention in Pakistan.

Results: The results from Randomized control trials studies will compare the benefits in control and cases using risk reduction strategy, drug intervention and are expected to show huge benefits in cases group.

Conclusion: Health education, access to ARVs at government Hospital, stop reusing of syringes, ANC visit for pregnant women, good governance decreases prevalence of hepatitis C.


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