Determinants of Household Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets Use among Children Under 5 Years in Nigeria
Background: LLIN is one of the proven interventions adopted
by the national malaria program to reduce malaria burden in Nigeria. Despite the
marginal high ownership of LLIN across the geo-political zones of Nigeria, utilization
among the under-five children is low. The study aimed
to identify determinants
of household use of long-lasting insecticidal net among under-five children in Nigeria.
Methods: A review of 2015 Malaria
Indicator Survey was done. Independent variables include household’s and
women socio-demographic and economic characteristics. Outcome variables of interest
was LLIN use by persons in household. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis
done to identify predictors
of HH LLIN use in under-five children. Level of significance was set
at <0.05.
Results: Twenty-five thousand six hundred and thirty-nine
(66.7%) of under-five children slept under LLIN the night before the conduct of the survey.
There was statistically significant association (p<0.05) between age, type of
residence, wealth index, fever in the last two weeks before the conduct of the survey,
number of mosquito bed nets and number of sleeping rooms.
Conclusion : LLIN ownership
among household members most especially the under-five children were still not optimal
bearing in mind the need for universal coverage of LLIN. Predictors of LLIN use among under-five children include age, type of residence,
wealth index, fever in the last two weeks before the conduct of the survey, number
of mosquito bed nets and number of sleeping rooms.
Keywords: LLIN ownership, LLIN utilization,
Under-five children, Malaria, Household, Nigeria.
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