Community Health Systems Strengthening: Boma Health Teams Training at Jonglei State, South Sudan

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.SE.19.02.Art004

Authors : Lou Eluzai Loponi


The Boma Health Teams training report was part of my capstone project. South Sudan like other developing countries has critical skilled human resources for health (HRH) challenges that have dramatically impeded timely delivery of basic health care services. The country is characterized by sparse population settlements, semi mobile communities, few qualified health workers and poor health seeking behavior among some communities and social groups which has hampered effective delivery of health services to all citizens. Only 44% of the population has access to health care services as a result the maternal, new-born and child health indicators are amongst the worst in the world. The training of Boma Health Teams (BHTs) was conducted to address the skilled health personnel gaps by having community owned resource person to deliver health services within reach to increase access and create demand for health care service utilization. The participants were identified and selected within the community by the community. The training was designed and offered through 30% of the time for modified lectures, 20% of the time on skills demonstration and return demonstration using models and Mankins in the training hall and 50% of the time for supervised skills practice at a health facility and community settings. Learning was assessed through written and practical pre-and post-tests.

Keywords: Boma health team, community health system strengthening, human resource for health.


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