Acceptance and Satisfaction of National Health Insurance Scheme Services among Civil Servants in Sokoto Metropolis, Sokoto State-Nigeria

Difficulty in accessing health
care due to inequitable distribution has been a continuous challenge in developing
countries. Insurance is a veritable tool for curbing these challenges, as proved
in developed countries with assuring results. Nigeria in her efforts to tackle this
problem introduced the national health insurance scheme. However, acceptance and
satisfaction with the NHIS are obstacles to the achievement of its objectives. The
aim of the study is to assess the level of acceptance and satisfaction with the
national health insurance scheme among civil servants in Sokoto metropolis. The
study was a cross sectional descriptive study conducted in Sokoto metropolis among
civil servants who are currently accessing NHIS service. A multi-stage sampling
technique was used to select 425 participants. Data was collected using semi-structured
self- administered questionnaires and was analyzed using MS Excel Spread sheet 2016.
A total 425 respondents were interviewed
and their mean age was 41.75 ± 9.3 years and majority were males (282)
66.4%, Most
of the respondents (311)73.2% where Hausa/fulani and Muslims (349) 82.1%, the overall Acceptance of NHIS
was Good, (272) 64% however only 190 (44.7%) are satisfied with the scheme.
The study showed that there is good acceptance of the scheme by civil servants in
the metropolis, by the scheme is yet to meet their expectation, thus the poor satisfaction.
Keywords: Acceptance, Satisfaction, NHIS Service, Civil Servants, Sokoto Metropolis, Nigeria.
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