Barriers to Retention in HIV Infected Children on ART: Improvement Strategies at Kaduna State Comprehensive Health Care Facilities in Nigeria

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.07.04.Art017

Authors : S Batanda, Mduluza T, Godfrey Yikii


Objectives: Identified factors that contributed to poor retention in care of HIV infected children initiated on Anti-Retroviral Treatment and recommended appropriate improvement strategies.

Study design: A total of 134 individuals were selected using purposive sampling and participated in the Focused Groups Discussions (FGDs), drawn from Caregivers support groups, HIV positive adolescents and health care workers at the ART clinics.

Methods: Exploratory qualitative method using FGD questionnaire guide and retrospective review of secondary cohort clinical data records covering a period of 12 months was conducted using standardized data abstraction forms.

Results: There were few studies that had been conducted in Nigeria to explore enablers of retention in care of HIV positive children. However, similar studies from other settings exited. Barriers to retention in care were the most commonly reported across the FGDs, though enablers were also reported. There was also a significant correlation between participant’s responses and data analyzed from the hospital records.

Conclusion: It was mostly barriers to retention in care that were reported. Some barriers, however, were reported as enablers to retention in care. Caregiver’s role is critical and additional integrated strategies are urgently required to achieve optimum retention in care of children.

Keywords: Retention in care; HIV positive children, Barriers to retention, Enablers to retention, Loss to follow up, Caregivers.


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