Factors Associated with Choice of Place of Delivery and What Motivates Mothers to OPT for TBA Care in West Pokot County- Kenya

Skilled birth
attendance in Kenya declined from 50% in 1988 to 42% in 2003, remained the same
by 2008/9 increased to 62% by 2014. By 2008/09, only 43% of births took place at
HFs by SBAs while 58% occurred at home. Socio-demographic factors could be attributed
to this.
To determine
factors influencing mothers’ choice of place of delivery and motivating them to
opt for TBA care.
cross-sectional study of 375 women. Both quantitative and qualitative data obtained
from semi-structured questionnaires and FGDs/KIIs respectively. Statistical techniques;
analysis using (SPSS V.20). p<0.05 significant.
Results: Majority 340 (90.7%) delivered at
home. Education (p<0.001) and religion (p<0.003) were significant predictors.
Secondary level education 1.6 times more likely to choose HF delivery. Catholics
4 times and protestants 6 times more likely to deliver at HF compared to non-believers
(OR; 95% CI: 3.618(0.715-18.305) and 6.162(1.401-27.102). Socio-cultural beliefs
and practices were main impediment to HF delivery.
Conclusion: HF delivery found to be low (9.3%)
compared 61% national. Level of education and religion impact positively HF delivery
whereas socio-cultural beliefs and practices, lack of transport and availability
of TBAs main bottlenecks.
A comprehensive
program on safe motherhood by RH actors to be designed focusing on TBAs and socio-cultural
beliefs and practices.
Keywords: Place of delivery, skilled birth attendance, socio-cultural
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