A Critical Assessment on the Need for Integrating Alternative Birth Attendant into Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) Programme in Ekiti State, Nigeria

Background: The 2014
National ANC Sero-prevalence Survey result for Ekiti State, Nigeria recorded HIV
prevalence rate of 2.9% for the state, yet the uptake of PMTCT services was found
to be low despite the availability of services even in the remotest local government
area in the State. This survey investigated factors influencing the low patronage
of government facilities and the possibility of integrating TBA/MBA into the PMTCT
programme in the state.
Methods: Study conducted in the sixteen local
Government area of Ekiti State. The sample size was 160 women of reproductive age
(18-48) years of age, 35 ABH, and their clients (122), research period of 12 months.
The instruments used were questionnaire, unstructured personal interviews and documentary
reports. Data were collected and analysed by the use of Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS 20) Software.
Results: Of the 16
LGAs in Ekiti State, 14 participated in the survey. Reasons for patronizing TBA/MBA
are spiritual assistance 40%, Low bills 10%, Church influence 5.5%, availability
3.4%, personal relationship 7.6%, and other minor reasons. Less than 45%”, 32% of
the respondents have very low knowledge of HIV; its mode of transmission and prevention,
and 32% also score above 79% (Very good knowledge).
76% of the respondents
have linkage system with the Government health facilities, while 24% respondents
(24%) said NO.
Conclusions: This study showed that integrating TBA/MBA
in health care service can be very effective in promoting PMTCT in Nigeria.
Alternative birth Attendants, HIV, PMTCT,
TBA, MBA, Government facilities.
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