An Assessment of the Role of the Civil Sector in the Control of Lassa Fever in Onuenyim Agbaja, Izzi Ebonyi State

Background: From 1st January to 11th November
2018, a total of 3016 suspected cases of Lasa fever was reported from 22 states
but 4 states including Ebonyi state remained in the active phase. Onuenyim
Agbaja in Izzi LGA has been in the eye of the storm with all confirmed cases
ending in mortality.
Objective: To assess the role of civil
sectors in the control of Lassa fever in Onuenyim Village.
Methodology: This was a descriptive
cross-sectional study with data collected using a Likert scale questionnaire
rated 1-5 from most negative (low) to most positive (high) responses with a
mean value above 3.5 regarded as positive (high)
Results: A total of 250 respondents
participated in the study which showed that the civil sectors played active
role in the control of Lassa fever through advocacy with a mean rating (MNR) of
4.7, resource mobilization with MNR of 4.4 and information sharing and
dissemination with MNR of 4.4 These activities had positive effect on the
people as shown by an MNR of 3.6. However, the respondents were not sure they
knew all they were supposed to know about Lassa fever as shown by an MNR of
Conclusion/Recommendations: There is great potential
for improving public health through systematic collaboration between
governments and civil society. This study tried to lay foundation on the role
of the civil sectors in the control of Lassa fever but there is need to collect
more systematic evidence on the role of civil sectors in the control of Lassa
fever, to improve our knowledge.
Major players in the
health industry including government at all levels need to work with civil
society for the social dimensions of health actions for infectious disease
control especially the emerging and re-emerging infections like Lassa fever.
Keywords: Assessment, Roles,
Civil sectors, Control, Lassa fever.
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