Factors Influencing Adherence to Antiretroviral Drugs among HIV Positive Young Women and Adolescent Patients in North Central Nigeria

The impact of HIV in the world
especially in sub-Saharan Africa has led to an extraordinary global effort to ensure
adherence to antiretroviral (ARV) therapy to treat the disease in every country
where HIV is a threat including Nigeria. However, starting patients on ARVs without
ensuring full adherence through an adequate support system is likely to lead to
treatment failure and the emergence of drug‐resistant virus which can be transmitted
to other. Factors influencing adherence to medication are both patients and service
provider related. A descriptive, cross sectional study using a systematic sampling
technique to select 473 young women and adolescent living with HIV in North central
ART clinics in Nigeria. 77% of respondents
have been on ARV regimen in the last 3 years. About 82% had good knowledge of medication
adherence while 18% do not understand what adherence to medication means. Most (79%)
of HIV patient’s adequate adherence to ART while
others (13%) usually had stopped taking their medication when they feel better
about their health. The commonest source of information about medication adherence
to ARV was through the adherence counselor at during ART clinics (77%). Sixty percent of the respondents agreed
that adherence to ARV medication helps in improving standard of living Factors that
hindered effective adherence to treatment included poor providers’ attitude (28%)
and forgetfulness to take their medication and pill burden (25%). Respondents who
did not adhere to treatment were less likely to subsequently adhere to ARV medication
(OR= 0.258, 95%CI= 0.1-0.5). Use of treatment supporters was the major determinant
of medication adherence (OR = 4.2, 95%CI = 1.4-7.2). Majority of the respondents
are knowledgeable about medication adherence.
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