Female Genital Mutilation: A Secondary Research on its Effects and Impacts in the Lives of Young Girls and Women

World Health
Organisation (WHO) has been putting a lot of efforts to end female genital mutilation
and together with global efforts that has intensified in recent there is a rising
awareness of the numerous complications that go with the process, usually later
in the life of the adult female. To examine the effect and impacts on these individuals
is vital as prevalence occurs in many countries and the awareness of the health
risk has to be ascertain because it is associated with physical, emotional and social
health risks which is paramount to the cubing of this practice. This research aims
to conduct a review of data so as to address the probability of stopping the act
completely in all countries in the world
Methods: A mixed method synthesis was applied comparing the effects
and impacts in different countries mostly in the African continent in ten different
articles obtained from the Open Access Library Journal database, manually scanning
of reference lists and summary feed from international organisations such as WHO,
UNICEF and UN. The articles included quantitative and qualitative studies with statistical
results and analysis. There were also studies carried out on the environmental issues
as related to the act. The articles were in three different languages which included
English, French and Spanish.
The study population
was made up of victims of the female genital mutilation and health professional
who understood the process. The percentage of those who were unaware of the risk
was 57.4% and the percentage of those who did not have formal education was 77.6%.
There was also a high percentage of prevalence which was represented by 52%.
Conclusion: Female genital mutilation is an act which is supposed
to be carried out with much precaution of the socio-cultural beliefs have to be
maintained with a possibility of reclassifying the act.
Female Genital Mutilation, prevalence, health risk.
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