Risk Factors for Esophageal Cancer among Adults Aged 40 Years and Above in Sebei Region, Eastern Uganda

The study conducted
in Sebei sub- region, Eastern Uganda aimed at assessing the risk factors for esophageal
cancer among adults aged 40 years and above in Sebei region and to share the findings
with the relevant stakeholders for effective management and control strategies.
Methodology: The study employed a descriptive,
un- matched case control design using quantitative and qualitative approach. 138
respondents were sampled from patients who were both esophageal cancer cases and
non- cases (controls). Data was collected using face to face administered pretested
questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential (chi- square and logistic linear regression)
was applied to analyse the socio- demographic and economic, behavioural, environmental
and medical factors of the respondents.
Findings: The study found out that only;
alcohol consumption (AOR: 9.95 95%, CI: 2.59-36.08), p=0.001, tobacco use (AOR:
15.37 95%, CI: 3.40- 64.00) p=0.00 and H. Pylori infection (AOR: 7.91 95%, CI: 2.02-27.77),
p=0.001 were significant risk factors. Other factors in the study were not significant
risk factors (p>0.05). Conclusion:
The study concluded that behavioural and medical factors were significant risk factors
for esophageal cancer and that the lifestyle of adults aged 40 years and above had
a significant impact on their esophageal cancer status. Recommendations: Cessation from alcohol consumption and tobacco use
coupled with early testing and prompt treatment of H. Pylori infection can help
avert the occurrence of esophageal cancer in the region.
Keywords: Risk Factors, Esophageal Cancer,
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