Rising Rate of Ceserean Section in Nepal

section is one of the most common and lifesaving surgeries performed in modern obstetrics.
In a developing country like Nepal where health care resources are limited, this
rising trend definitely has major implication but it is essential to perform when
complications arise during pregnancy and labour without this large number of women
and their unborn babies die every year, especially in low-income countries. The
World Health Organization suggests 10-15% cesarean section rate and has suggested
to be done only when justified by a medical condition2. It states that,
at a population level, if cesarean section rates higher than 10% does not reduce
the maternal and neonatal mortality rates, and it should be performed only when
medically justified. Otherwise unnecessary health of mother and babies including
social and economic implications would challenge childbearing women, babies, their
families and the state. Recently in Nepal there is a sharp rising trend of cesarean
section rates from 20 to 81% in different hospitals especially in the private setting
indicating over-medicalization of childbirth unnecessarily performing without medically
justified. This arise the issue of human rights violence of childbearing women and
professional integrity of a practitioner and safety of the clients. The World Health
Organization recommended use of the Robson criteria which would be one of the best
strategies in reducing the frequency of the procedure that should include avoidance
of medically unnecessary primary cesarean section and improving case selection for
induction and prelabour cesarean section besides educating childbearing women and
their families about the consequences of unnecessary request of the procedure.
Keywords: Cesarean
section; Rate; World health organization, Violence.
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