Effects of Environmental Pollution on Life and Its Preventions in Ghana

research work will discuss and highlight the problem of environmental pollution
and waste mismanagement in Ghana. Everything that surrounds us is directly or
indirectly linked with the environment in which we live, and these things
affect the environment either negatively or positively. Not only the man, but
also other living things as well as nature have effects on our environment.
every person living in this World is worried about environmental pollution
because we experience their consequences through the food we eat, the air we
breathe, the water we use for our daily activities and through the radiations
we are exposed to in our environment. Also, the effects of environmental
problems are manifested through the lack of natural resources, extinction of
plants and animals’ species, bad smell in our environment, flooding as well as
the rise of epidemic.
rapid urbanization and industrialization in the last few years have resulted in
the significant emission of pollutants that cause negative effects on the urban
population, the built environment as well as the terrestrial and aquatic
research work seeks to address the challenges of environmental pollution, the
effects of pollution on the environment and how to manage waste in our
environment by gathering data from the field through observation and
interviewing of laymen (ordinary citizens), environmental experts, journalists
and teachers to organize their ideas on how environmental pollution can be
curbed in Ghana.
Keywords: Air
pollution, Water Pollution, Land Pollution, Noise Pollution, Urbanization and
Migration, Environment and Waste Management.
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