Malaria Parasitaemia among Different Haemoglobin Genotypes in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

is a common and life-threatening disease in many tropical and subtropical areas
and transmitted by the female Anopheles
mosquitoes with major impact on global public health. It is endemic in Nigeria
with up to 97% of the population at risk. Malaria results to 60% outpatient
visits to healthcare facilities,25% childhood death, and11% maternal death. Haemoglobin genotype
variants have been implicated in reducing malaria parasite replication within
the red blood cells and enhance splenic clearance in malaria parasitized
erythrocytes. The study of the Malaria
parasitaemia among different haemoglobin genotypes in Federal Capital
Territory, Abuja, is aimed at determining the effect of haemoglobin
genotypes on malaria parasitaemia
among residents in FCT. (2mls) of venous blood was collected from 384 randomly
selected residents. Determination of malaria parasitaemia was by Microscopy and
the cellulose acetate membrane electrophoresis was used for heamoglobin
genotype. A structured questionnaire created with Epi-Info version 7 for data
collection and analysis. Results of 187 volunteers with malaria parasitaemia
indicated that: malaria parasitaemia was more in female (58.8%) and male (41.4%);
age groups of 0-10 (42.0%), 11-20 (35.2%) and 21-30(14.5%) and 91.7% within age
range of 0-30 years of the studied group; in Gwagwalada (24.6%), followed by
Bwari (21.4%), Kuje (18.7%), Kwali (17.7%), Abaji (15.5%) and was least in AMAC
(2.1%) and severe ((+++) (> 10,000/ µL)) in blood genotype
AA(47.4%) than in AS(0.0%), AC(0.0%) and least in SS(0.0%). It was concluded
that malaria and the haemoglobin S gene were endemic in FCT and variant
Haemoglobin C and S could confer protection to malaria parasitaemia.
Keywords: Malaria, Parasitaemia, Haemoglobin Genotypes.
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