Reducing Mother-to-Child Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): Findings from an early Infant Diagnosis Program in Benue State, North Central Nigeria

A critical opportunity to strengthen follow-up of HIV-exposed children and assure
early access to ARV treatment for infected children is provided by early infant
diagnosis of HIV. This study describes findings from an EID program and the effectiveness
of PMTCT intervention in Benue State, Nigeria.
This was a retrospective study. The study population comprised all perinatally HIV
exposed children aged six weeks to 18 months who had Dried Blood Spot (DBS) samples
taken for a DNA PCR test between January - December 2017 were enrolled for this
study. Details of the ARV regimen received to prevent mother-to-child transmission
(MTCT), infant feeding, HIV DNA PCR test results and turnaround time (TAT) for results
were analyzed using SPSS version 20.
Results 85.9%
of mother-baby pairs received ARVs and 98.4% babies had ever been breastfed. Transmission
rates for mother-baby pairs who received ARVs for PMTCT was 1.5% compared to 33%
when neither baby nor mother received an intervention. Overall the prevalence of
transmission in this study is 3.9% irrespective of intervention. The mean and median
turnaround time for test results were 69 days (95% CI: 67.89-70.12) and 56 days
Reduction of MTCT of HIV is possible with effective PMTCT intervention, including
improved access to ARVs and appropriate infant feeding practices. The PMTCT programme
in Benue State was found to be effective and achieved outcomes comparable to similar
setting. Triple combination ARV drugs is feasible and resulted in low MTCT rates
under routine clinic conditions in resource-limited setting.
Keywords: mother-to-child
transmission of HIV, early infant diagnosis, breastfeeding, vertical transmission.
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