The Sustainable Development Goals: Perceptions of a cross section of members of the fourth estate of the realm in Osun State, South-Western Nigeria

role of journalism is central to raising awareness and providing better understanding
of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the 2030 agenda. Considering the fact
that media organizations and/or personnel are an important source of information
in this part of the world, it is imperative that journalists disseminate useful
information on this agenda if its objectives are to be met. This study, therefore,
undertakes an assessment of knowledge and attitude of journalists in Osun state
towards the SDGs. A cross-sectional study was carried out among 120 Journalists
drawn from across Osun State. A semi-structured self-administered questionnaire
was used to elicit vital information on the socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge
of and attitude towards the SDGs. Data were analysed using IBM SPSS and presented
using descriptive statistics. The mean age of the Journalists was 36.4 ± 6.21 years.
Almost two-third (64.2%) had ever heard of SDG and only 1.3% had good knowledge.
Less than half (43.3%) of respondents had a negative attitude towards learning about
the SDGs. The knowledge of journalists in Osun State on the SDGs was very poor and
may have adverse consequences for the entire population. Intervention is therefore
required to improve their knowledge via education.
Key words:
Journalists, Perception, Sustainable Development Goals.
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