Exploring Barriers to Uptake of Micronutrient Powders in Rural District, Zimbabwe: Findings from a Qualitative Study

is implementing a micronutrient powder program, which was designed to improve micronutrient
supplementation to children aged 6-23 months. One year after program inception,
there are indications that uptake of micronutrient powders is very low. Thus, the
study sought to identify barriers to uptake of micronutrient powders in Makoni rural
district. This was achieved through phenomenology philosophy and case study design.
Three villages from rural Makoni district, 11 focus groups and 20 in-depth interviews
were done. Key informants included caregivers, community leaders, community health
workers, health professionals and key stakeholders implementing the micronutrient
powder program. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed and thematically
analysed using Coding Analysis Toolkit. Findings from the study show that barriers
to uptake of micronutrient powders are poor accessibility; lack of adequate information
on potential micronutrient powder side effects and poor post distribution monitoring;
poor social mobilization and food unavailability. The study recommends that nutrition
related programs in Zimbabwe should consider improving accessibility of micronutrient
powders by considering community distribution points for micronutrient powders.
In addition, nutrition related programs should consider providing adequate information
on potential side effects of micronutrient powders and provide micronutrient powders
as ready to eat supplements to bridge food unavailability gap.
Barrier, micronutrient powders, infant and young child feeding, social and behaviour
change communication, Zimbabwe.
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