Effect of Disability Awareness Program on a Regular School in Ujjain India: An Action Research

Background: Regardless of devastating trend of inclusive
education, students with disabilities are not being accepted by the typical
developing students as well as teachers. Somehow the rejection by their peers
and teachers hinder in their social inclusion, achieving academic success, and
becoming more independent.
Objective: The aim of the study was to see the effect
of disability awareness education program on a regular school.
Methods: This study develops and
implements a disability awareness program in 8th to 12th
grade students and their teachers, through action research, determines whether
the program was influential in shaping attitudes towards students with
disabilities. The students were exposed to 21 disabilities and more focused on
physical disabilities, and blindness, and accessibility. The program was
designed and implemented in three steps beginning, middle and end, began with
questionnaires on disability knowledge.
Result: As regard to attitude,
the school environment became more inclusive, more welcoming environment for
disabled students, and nurtured better friendships among all students. After
getting knowledge about different disabilities, students without disabilities
became more accepting and understanding of individual differences. The
individual activities and discussions enabled students to think critically
about how to deal with disabled individuals and the significance of inclusion
to enhance their overall development.
Conclusion: Disability awareness
programs are powerful to overall environment of a school. These programs foster
acceptance, understanding and promote knowledge about different disabilities.
Therefore, disability awareness programs must be incorporated into the regular
school curriculum and received by the all individuals to create a more
accepting and positive environment for disabled students which in turn will
help them to achieve emotional wellbeing, social inclusion and academic
Keywords: Disability awareness
program, Regular school, Inclusion, Typical developing students, Students with
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