“Knowledge about Risk Factors of Carcinoma Cervix among the Women Attending for VIA Test in a Selected Hospital”

A cross-sectional descriptive
study was conducted with the aim to find out the level of knowledge about the risk
factors of the cervical cancer among the women attending VIA room of Gynae Out Patient
Department, BSMMU on 106 patients selected by purposive sampling technique. Data
were collected using pretested, semi-structured questionnaire by face to face interview
in May, 2008. Mean age of the respondents was 42.9+6.5 years, 83.0% were Muslim.
Majority (17.0%) of the respondents had Primary education. More than one third of
the respondents’ monthly income was taka 5001-10,000. Mean age at first marriage
was 13.96+2.4 years and 26.4% of them were married for 20-24 years ,40.6% of the
patients had history of first birth during their adolescence period. High parity
(more than 2 children) was present in 65.0%. Child birth at lower age (94.44%),
Multiparity (96.29%) and smoking (66.66%) were the major risk factors mentioned
by the respondents. Thirteen percent gave history of Sexually transmitted diseases
which is another remarkable risk factor & among them (42.8%) took treatment
from MBBS doctor and by Doah-Tabiz (28.6%). The respondents mentioned as main symptoms
were lower abdominal pain (98.0%), irregular per vaginal bleeding (57.69%), postcoital
bleeding (32.69%) followed by post-menopausal vaginal discharge (26.92%). The findings
suggest that programmatic approaches to increase the age at first marriage and first
child birth, health education about cervical cancer, its risk factors, symptoms
and its treatment will be more effective to reduce cervical cancer in Bangladesh.
About cervical cancer_RHO cervical
cancer www.rho.org
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