Sero-Prevalence and Risk Factors for HDV Infection Among HIV/HBV Co-Infected Patients in Sokoto North Western Nigeria

Background: Hepatitis
D virus infection may worsen HBV infection and about 5 % of HBV infected individuals
may be infected with HDV infection as these viruses have similar routes of transmission.
Severity of HBV infection is worsen by HIV co-infection. Therefore, this study aimed
at the determination of prevalence and risk factors of HDV infection among HIV/HBV
Co-infected individuals.
Methods: This
was cross sectional study in which treatment-naïve HIV infected study participants
were screened for HBs Ag. Study participants that were positive for HBs Ag were
further screened for anti HDV and HBe Ag and also, they were assessed for CD4+
T lymphocytes count, ALT and AST levels. SPSS version 20 was used for the statistical
analysis and level of significance was considered at p ≤ 0.05.
Results: About 4(10.8 %) of 37 HIV/HBV co-infected study
were positive for anti HDV. There was no statistical association of HDV infection
with different tested variables, though numerically higher among females (P≤ 0.587),
41-50 years age group (P≤ 0.671), subjects with history of multiple sexual partners
(P≤ 0.557), blood transfusion (p ≤ 0.298) and needle sharing (P ≤ 0.456). Mean ALT
and AST levels, mean CD4+ T cell counts and HBe Ag prevalence were comparable
between anti HDV positive and negative study participants with HIV/HBV co-infection.
Conclusion: Substantial
number of HIV/HBV co-infected study participants were observed to be infected with
HDV infection. We recommend the screening of HDV infection among HIV/HBV co-infected
individuals to ensure their proper management.
Keywords: HIV
infection, HBV co-infection, HDV infection.
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