Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy of TB LAM Rapid Urine Antigen Screening Assay, GeneXpert and Smear Microscopy for TB and HIV Co-infected Population in the Guinea Savannah Zone of Nigeria

Background: Report
at the lunch of 1st Nigeria, National Strategic Plan for TB Control report
opined that, at the current rate of transmission and development of Tuberculosis,
over four million cases are forecasted to occur in Nigeria between 2015 and 2020
(WHO, 2015). Objectives: A study was
conducted to examine diagnostic accuracy of GeneXpert, smear microscopy and TB LAM
Rapid Urine Antigen Screening Assay for TB and HIV co-infected Population. Methods: 323 specimens from approximately
400 patients were enrolled using probability sampling technique. Selection intensity
(CD4 count < 100, critical symptoms of TB and HIV) with stringent conditions
was set to reduce eligible population for TB-LAM test. Differences between two groups
was tested using t-test in SPSS-24 statistical package. Sensitivity, specificity,
NPV and PPV were computed using Diagnostic or Screening Test Evaluation 1.0 using
OpenEpi (version 2.3). Results: There
were significant differences (P<0.05) among diagnostic accuracy for sensitivity,
specificity, PPV, NPV and prevalence rate. The highest sensitivity was in GeneXpert
(86.2%, 25/29) while TB-LAM the least sensitivity (57.5%, 46/80). EMS-AFB was significant
(P<0.05) and more sensitive than Spot-AFB and TB-LAM. Specificity was significant
(P=0.04) and slightly lower in the group tested with GeneXpert (90.8%) as compared
to TB-LAM (100%), EMS-AFB (93.1%) and Spot-AFB (92.7%). The proportion of total
study population with TB-LAM decreased linearly (23.2% - 7.4%) as the grades increases.
Conclusion: This clearly suggest that
TB-LAM might not be a robust testing for point of care diagnostics among TB-HIV
co-infected Population using Zaria Metropolis of North Western, Nigeria.
Keywords: GeneXpert, Lipoarabinomannan, Tuberculosis,
Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Sensitivity.
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