Individual Predictors of Healthcare Research Utilization: A case of Arua District Local Government, West Nile Uganda

increasing knowledge of potential benefits of research utilization in improving
quality of healthcare management decision (HMDs) outcomes and practice, the use
of research evidence by healthcare authorities continues to be a global concern.
We examined individual predictors of research utilization in management decisions
of healthcare authorities in a local government’s context of Arua district in West
Nile Uganda. The observational cross-sectional survey design was used, involving
225 questionnaires and nine key informant interviews, and the extent of influence
of individual variables on research uptake was determined by estimation of predicted
probabilities, and the corresponding odds ratios and coefficients using the binary
logistic regression model. The results reveal that research utilization was significantly
influenced by individual characteristics, whose overall predicted probability was
0.030 (p<0.05) with attitudinal variables being most significant, whereby belief
in research-based HMDs (p= 0.020) or improved quality of HMDs (p= 0.012) recorded high
corresponding odds ratios. Hence, the study substantiates
the multifactorial nature of research utilization, being influenced to varying extents
by individual factors, and emphasizes attitudinal change, information sharing and
capacity building to increase uptake.
words: Research utilization, individual characteristics, research
evidence, healthcare authorities, and healthcare management decisions.
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