Pesticide Residue and Health Risk Analysis of Six Commonly Used Herbal Medicinal Products in Kumasi, Ghana

Background: Ghana does not have reliable surveillance
programme for ensuring safety of food and herbal products on the market. Data from
previous studies have shown the presence of pesticide residues in food products
and its associated health risk. In this present study we assessed the residual pesticide
content of six most patronized herbal preparations in Kumasi, Ghana and the attendant
risk of such contamination to public health.
The herbal preparations were cleaned up using Quick,
Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS) method for insecticide
analysis. Analysis was carried out on GC-MS using 33 external standards.
The total pesticide content in most of the herbal preparations was below the maximum
residue limit (MRL). However, the concentration of pirimiphos-methyl in herbal product
‘E’ (HPE) (0.082 mg/kg) was higher
than the MRL (0.05 mg/kg). In addition, the hazard
indices’ (HI) for five herbal products were less than ‘1’ and safe for consumption
without any possible future health risk. However, the HI for HPE was determined
to be greater than ‘1’. Aldrin, dieldrin and chlordane
which are banned in Ghana
were also identified in 50% of the studied herbal preparations.
Conclusion: Data from this study reveals that HPE is contaminated
with pirimiphos-methyl pesticide and unsafe for consumption. Also, the presence
of banned pesticides in 50% of the studied herbal preparations calls for concern
and urgent intervention by relevant regulatory authorities.
Keywords: Herbal
medicinal preparation, hazard index, pesticides, contamination, health risk, safety.
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