Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis among Females Aged 17-24 Years, Khartoum, Sudan

Background: Osteoporosis (OP), a metabolic disorder which affects mainly
bones, is characterized by low bone mass and is associated with serious health and
economic burden. The main musculoskeletal problems associated with it are hip fractures
with a worldwide prevalence of about 1.6 million and high rates of morbidity and
mortality. It is a silent disease and usually does not manifest until fractures
occur. The Aim of this study were to assess knowledge, attitude and practice toward
postmenopausal osteoporosis and its preventive measures among female students aged
17-24years in Khartoum, Sudan.
Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted in three different
faculties of the University of Khartoum. Data was collected from 226 female students
aged 17-24 by stratified systematic random sampling using a pre-tested, pre-coded
self-administered questionnaire.
Results: The majority (84.8%) of respondents heard about osteoporosis.
Faculty curriculum was the main source of information (31.1%), followed by family
and friends (15.3%). The overall knowledge of respondents about OP was below average
(57.1%), average (42%) and good (0.9%). About three-fifth (58.1%) were aware about
their susceptibility to get it in the future and (61%) were concerned about taking
preventive measures. The majority of respondents (94.9%) perceived the seriousness
of OP. Milk and dairy products were the most commonly identified as sources of calcium
Conclusions: The overall knowledge was below average. Raising knowledge
about osteoporosis may be an effective tool in preventing the problem and subsequently
osteoporotic fractures later in life.
Keywords: postmenopausal oosteoporosis,
hip fractures, knowledge, attitudes, practice.
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